Old Portuguese city from 07:30AM till 19:00
Description : Excursion Essaouira
The Medina of Essaouira, formerly named Mogador (name originating from the Phoenician word Migdol meaning a « small fortress »), is an outstanding example of a fortified town of the mid-eighteenth century, surrounded by a wall influenced by the Vauban model. Constructed according to the principles of contemporary European military architecture, in a North African context, in perfect harmony with the precepts of Arabo-Muslim architecture and town-planning, it has played a major role over the centuries as an international trading seaport, linking Morocco and sub-Saharan Africa with Europe and the rest of the world. The town is also an example of a multicultural centre as proven by the coexistence, since its foundation, of diverse ethnic groups, such as the Amazighs, Arabs, Africans, and Europeans as well as multiconfessional (Muslim, Christian and Jewish). Indissociable from the Medina, the Mogador archipelago comprises a large number of cultural and natural sites of Outstanding Universal Value. Its relatively late foundation in comparison to other medinas of North Africa was the work of the Alaouite Sultan Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdallah (1757-1790) who wished to make this small Atlantic town a royal port and chief Moroccan commercial centre open to the outside world. Known for a long time as the Port of Timbuktu, Essaouira became one of the major Atlantic commercial centres between Africa and Europe at the end of the 18th century and during the 19th century.
Essaouira is an exceptional example of a late-18th-century fortified town, built according to the principles of contemporary European military architecture in a North African context. Since its foundation, it has been a major international trading seaport, linking Morocco and its Saharan hinterland with Europe and the rest of the world.
Details : Excursion Essaouira
Departure at 7:30h am from your hotel.about 170 km by main road to Essaouira,offers some pleasant exploration.3 hours driving to arrive to Essaouira with photos stops in the way :
After 60 km, stop in a nice panoramic view
Second stop to see "flying goats " on the way and information about Argan tree.
Relax and café in a berber village
Visit the Argan Oil production factory.
The programe includes visit to the medina (old city),Scala (great sea bastion) ,fishing port,jewish quarter and a nice place with lots of character and very relaxing.after lunch(its extra) you will have your free time to admire the city beauty...
The return will be around 16h by the same route to go ... arrival scheduled at 19h00
Prices in Dirhams
300 DH / 30 € DH